Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Bright 'n early Sunday morning Pat and I loaded up the ol' RAV4 with our 'camping gear', i.e. snacks and other delectables. And headed due west for our annual Fall Fling. Gorgeous day. Idyllic, crisp blue skies and all the varied colors on Mother Nature's Fall palette: russets and reds, unique autumn auburn-persimmon-gold combos, and here-and-there, a dab of evergreen. Hard to keep my eyes on the road!

First stop...lunch. Not just lunch but a picnic lunch! At Codorous State Park, a few miles this side of Hanover, PA

We dragged our multi-striped picnic cooler back and forth, hither and yon, for 20 minutes while Pat was trying to decide which was the idyllic picnic venue...along the lake or in the woods.

Hey, perfectionist Pat! I've got a great idea! Let's eat in the car!

Oh, Chris! What a wonderful idea! We can nosh in the car with beautiful music in the background!

And so it came to pass.
See! Perfectionist Patricia really is easy to get along with! Codourus State Park and lake. Beautiful setting!

While travelling on Rt. 116 east of Hanover, we had to stop to see an old boarding school of mine. As we do every time we're roamin' in this neck-o'-the-woods. St. Joseph's Academy. This was a boarding school for boys and girls, grades 1 thru 8 when I was enrolled
there back in the Fall of 1939. I was a 3rd grader. Lordy! 70 years ago this very month.
The nuns who ran the place were strict (that's a given in those days!) but they were also loving and maternal in their own way toward us kids.

Today, St. Joe's has come full circle. It's an Interfaith Org. dedicated to the care of the elderly. We could retire here in 10 or 20 years! Whadda' ya' think, Pat!

We then pushed on to Gettysburg. A small town where Lincoln came to dedicate and consecrate hallowed burial grounds for the thousands of soldiers killed in that famous three day battle between the Union and Confederate Armies. The turning point in the Civil War. Gettysburg will always be iconic in American history. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: "Four score and seven years ago, our forefathers brought forth..."


The new Gettysburg Memorial War Museum opened recently. Magnificent! The old museum up the road toward town was getting old and 'seedy'. The new one does honor to both sides of this terrible war bet. the States.

Definitely worth a visit. And time for reflection!

Monday morn we hit the road to Hagerstown, MD. Potomac St. has been all gussied up lately, incl. the installation of these large butterfly art works along the sidewalk.

Chris, I wanna' photo you standing next to this precious big butterfly!

No thanks, Pat!!!!

Why!!! Uhhh....it's a guy thing..

But I'll be happy to take YOUR picture, dear heart!

N.B. Most of us know how Patricia loves butterflies! One happy woman!

From Hagerstown motored up into the Maryland mountains along meandering country roads.

To one of our all-time favorite mountain spots near Cumberland. Rocky Gap State Park and Lodge. This locale on Lake Hajeeb is a high class resort we could never afford. But it's fun to wander around there like we're guests or sumpthin'....

Spent most of Monday right here at the Park. About five hours. No need to drive farther for scenic beauty.

Time for another 5-star-inthecar - picnic lunch!

Once again, we hiked an old Indian trail around the lake for several miles. Nature at its best!
Pat! I think this moose whiste really does work! Look at that herd of moose (mooses? meese?) comin' over yonder hill!!! Let's run back!!!

Chris! Stop hallucinating! There's nothing on yon-derrr hill but three trees!

Really?? Uhhh....guess I hafta' cut back on my medications! Scared me!


1 comment:

Dianne said...

Hi Aunt Pat & Uncle Chris,

Loved the perfectionist comment -- John & I can relate :) Thanks for sharing. Love & Luck, Di