Sunday, October 4, 2009


I'm a blogger well-versed in trite, hackneyed expressions, a corny purveyor of down-on-the-farm, somewhat archaic reflections about life and the celebration thereof! Corn is everywhere! Bring it on, baby

Photo: Soakin' up inspiration!

All that having been said, let's relive the great extended family event we celebrated this first weekend of October! A Skype baby shower on Long Island for expecting (November)Varinthorn (Kay) and our son Mike living out in Portland, OR. Why Skype? Simple, we were on the east coast, Long Island, and Mike and Kay live on the west coast. Impossible to party in person. So, we all Skyped and celebrated this happy time....virtually together.

Our daughter Kelly and her husband Mike T. hosted our family get-together at their lovely home and backyard, Long Island.

Hi Kelly! Lookin' good, kid!

An American flag flies and flutters high over Kelly and Mike's home...."Fort Tornabene"(?). Their neighbors marvel that Mike T. was able to climb and fasten their flag to the very top of this glorious 62' evergreen in their front yard. Some neighbors even stop and salute as they motor by!

The famous flag-topped tree!

Pat and the family aunties. The 'Golden Girls'!

Back l-r: Kathy and Grace
Front l-r: Elizabeth, Pat and Barbara

A beautiful bevy of feminine pulchritude!

By dumb luck I was finally able to get the Skype program working on our laptop. Our son Mike and Kay, mother-to-be, could see and hear us. And we could see and hear them. A great way to communicate over distance. Skype (a free download) and a cheap webcam is all you need.

Aunt Elizabeth. Pat's sister. Sean and Kerri's mom. Is that Scotch, Eliz?

'Twas a sunny, early autumn Sunday afternoon. The party quickly moved outside to......'Tornabene Park'.

Why....that must be golden-haired cousin Kathleen in the foreground!

l-r: Cousin Mary, Aunt Barbara with granddaughter Adrianna Rose. My Pat. Daughter Kelly.

Aunt Kathy with cousins Kathleen and Mary.

Barbara's son Brian with wife Teresa and Adrianna Rose.

Mike T.'s pride and joy....'Tornabene Park'!

Pat with Barbara's daughter Eileen

Kathy's daughter, cousin Jennifer. Thanks for helpin' out, Jen!

Jen's daughter Princess Deirdre

....and Jen's other daughter shy Shannon

Thanks so much, Kelly and Mike, for hosting such a great extended family baby shower for Kay and Mike C.

'Wolfie'...friendliest dog in three states. "Hey! When's dat grub comin' out!"

Our other daughter Kim with Andy. Poor Kim felt bad she couldn't be with us for her brother and Kay's baby shower. Taking weekend courses for her clinical doctorate in physical therapy. 3rd year is tough. Can't cut classes anymore. You were with us, Kim and Andy.....uh, virtually!

Friday is Mike and Kay's 10th wedding anniversary.

Congrats on your anniversary! And your soon to be seen baby boy!

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