Tuesday, June 30, 2009


One of the reasons... we bought this Birch Pointe Condo back in '96 was the view! From our deck you could take in the whole panoramic view of lovely Pike Creek Valley and its meandering golf course below. Stretching for miles westward toward the Pennsylvania hill country.

Morning coffee on the deck put our day in focus.

That was then....

.....but as the years went on, Mother Nature began to have other plans.
A copse of adolescent trees stood
about 20 feet off our deck. Ever so gradually over the years these leafy
green guys grew to maturity. Higher
and higher until....

.....yes, until Pike Creek Valley
-ed from view. And a solid green leaf-wall reached to the very heavens. I felt like we were living in a treehouse. We even know all the squirrels by name. Hi, Rusty! Hey, Elmo! Beat it, Benny!
And you should see our other fine feathered friends in their feeding frenzy at the feeders. Cardinals, Gold Finches, Purple Finches, Tufted Titmice and more. We had to run out and buy a bird book, by gosh!
To this day Pat and I still have our tiffs about all this. She prefers her hearty green wall of leaves, the treehouse effect....I prefer my green valley. Now only a memory...ah yes, "How Green Was My Valley"!

A compromise was defintely in order. Of course, the wall of green remained. But we created our own valley, of sorts, with flowering plants, bird feeders and shrubs. All this, deckwise!

Pat dear! Now...don't forget to talk to the plants! And wave to all the pretty butterflies!

Chris...dear. Just drink your coffee and....(censored!)

Hey! Rollo!
Leave the birds

Pat. Another coffee