Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Mom and I headed on down to Georgetown, De Tuesday morning to visit our dear friend "Libby"...Elizabeth Hughes (88). As I had mentioned earlier, we had gotten to know Libby well from years of bringing her Meals on Wheels to her home here in Wilmington.

And after a few years, mom saw her need for assited bathing and a little housekeeping. So, your dear mom jumped in the breach. About two years ago her three sons lovingly entered her in the Harrison House (nursing home down in Georgetown) where eldest son Bill and his family live.

Yeah, really nice place....for a nursing home.....uhhh, Rehab Center.

I had the pleasure of presenting Libby with a loving bouquet of daisies.

She blushed...."Oh, Warren, thank you!"

A symbol of our affection for Libby

Isn't that neat....a little beauty parlor for the girls at the Harrison House!

Your beloved mother and her/our dear friend Libby. Down in Georgetown!

After about a two hour visit with Lib, mom and I headed on down to Rehobeth Beach....about a half hour away. It was hot. It was steamy. A mob scene on the boardwalk. An offshore breeze. Ergo, one foot waves. Next time....Fall or Spring.

Your mother ushered me into a familiar bookstore off the boardwalk. An hour later we walked out with....a load of books! Your mother is a true literary woman. She devours books. I like TIME and TV.

We got home about three today (Wed) after an overniter at Comfort Inn, lovingly greeted by jumpy-jumpy Rollo and Renee. I really think they love us, but alas, they know our homecoming is always followed by generous helpings of canned salmon. Life is full of tradeoffs. Anyway, still in a vacation mentality, we brought in Chinese and a liter of Pinot Noir tonite. Yes, our mini-vacation doesn't end till midnite. So be it. Amen.