Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Yesterday morning we fed the cats. Then, jumped in our ol' RAV4 and tooled on up to Philly. "Why?", you ask. Well, of course, it was time for our annual trip to the Philadelphia International Flower Show at Convention Hall. An annual highlight in these years of our retirement! Yahoo!

The theme this year: Paris in the Springtime!

Ahhh, merci, mes amis!

We were greeted at the door by an iconic French clown. No talk. All artful mime and friendly getures.

Characteristically, Pat melted into the flowers....and they kinda hugged her in return.

Tres bien!

Fancy French table setting. Ooo-la-la!


Lost in a sea of flowers

Daffodils! Spring is in the air!

Yeah, I used to look lovingly at young at 80 I ogle the flowers. Life evolves....

Caladiums? I dunno. But a whole red sea of them. 100's...if not 1000's! Tres beautif!

Another red sea. By the 100's, 1000's....whatever!

This staff lady's chapeau ensemble matched her personality. In your face. Flamboyant. Ultra friendly.

This guy was about 5' high. So colorful. But you didn't want to get too close.

Hey, daughter Kelly, master's graduate from UD! Your team won an award! Congrats!

Hey, Warren (Chris) 'n Pat! Sure I look tired. You would too....if you had been standing here for 3 days!!! Answering silly questions from you!

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