Thursday, December 16, 2010


It was a dark, dreary December day. The day Pat and I boarded this here "elongated tube" (you know, the one with windows and wings) and wended our way westward. By golly, six hours and 3,000 miles later we set foot in good ol' Portand, OR.

Home of the Christophers. No, not our ancestral home. Home of Mike, Kay and l'il baby Good!

Okay, enuff of the cornball lingo: we went west to see our son Mike, his lovely wife Kay and l'il baby Good.

We were greeted with open arms and feet.

Mamma Kay with Good...when he was a "little guy". One of our favorite pics.

Kay's an artist (MFA). Teaches at Portland State.

Good's still not totally used to daddy's tickly-tickly red beard.

Mike's a beard-guy. Makes him look more professorial. He's a phsychologist. Teaches at Pacific University.

Clever! Artist Kay painted one of the dining room walls with a special black paint. Turning it into a super-sized (8'x12') chalkboard.

Their new home in the western suburbs of Portland. 1/2 acre graced by tremendous evergreen trees.

Douglas Firs and giant Cedars spiral up over 100ft. to the blue sky above.

This Douglas Fir is 8' from the house. Has a 6' circumference. No! Not Pat. The tree!!!!

Mike, Lord of the Backyard Manor

Mike's old folks, Mom and Dad. Great yard, Mike and Kay!

Got wheels! Gotta go!
Grandma luvin' up Good...Good luvin' up Grandma!

Hard to get a nap.

Oh! Dear me! It was peaceful 'round here before the gramps showed up!

Our last day in town Mike and Kay took us up to Mt. Hood. About 60 miles due east.
So beautiful!
So was our visit to Mike, Kay and Good! Thanks, dear guys!

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