Saturday, November 8, 2008


Dear Kelly, Kim and Mike!
If the bio history of life on earth were cast into a 24 hour framework, human life would probably exist only in the last nanosecond before midnight. Isn't that wild!

Yes, all human and I....and 'Adam and Eve'... in effect, just arrived here on planet earth. However, our DNA roots, like all terrestrial life, go all the way back to the salty seas of billions of years ago. They say, the salt component coursing thru our bloodstreams today harkens back to those salty sea days! In that sense we've been here....ab initio,' since the beginning'! When life first climbed out of the primordial slime and began to bask in fresh air and sunshine, those primitive life forms were, indeed, our first ancestors. Their DNA, now in sophisticated form and unbroken chains, pulsates thru our bodies today.

Why the fuss over DNA? Well, that's our physical lineage. What we inherited from the dear people who made us who and what we are. Most of us can only chart that lineage back a few generations. Some we knew....some we only heard of. Thus, this blog begins...


Francis Christopher Stephens and Mary EllenMurphy

Patrick Donlon and Catherine "Kate" Donlon

Edward Joseph Stephens and Mary Agnes "Mae" Donlon

Mary Patricia Stephens and Frederick Warren Christopher

Kelly Irene, Kimberly Mary and Michael Stephens Christopher


Charles J. Christopher and Helen J. Peregoy

Joseph Bernard Rothenhoefer and Daisie Mariah Gaugh

Frederick Purcell Christopher and Mary Irene Rothenhoefer

Frederick Warren Christopher and Mary Patricia Stephens

Kelly Irene, Kimberly Mary and Michael Stephens Christopher

Francis Christopher Stephens -- 1885-1963

Handsome dude, great-grandpa Frank! Looks like an intellectual.

Mary Ellen Murphy Stephens -- 1881-1956

Looks like you finally just got the kids into bed, right! Have a good night's sleep, dear Mary Ellen!

Patrick Donlon -- (1877...after 1911)

Hi great-grandpa Patrick! Like that handlebar mustachio!

Catherine 'Kate' Donlon -- b. 1886-1911

Pat and I love your jaunty 'Hi there' way you tilt your head. Sorry the Lord called you home when your daughter 'Mae" was still a little girl. Rest in peace!

Edward Joseph Stephens -- 1906-1957

Hi grandpa Ed! You look just like the former King of England, Edward VIII!

Ed Stephens....royalty? 'Pepsi' thinks you are!

Mary Agnes 'Mae' Donlon Stephens 1906-1970

Oh, Mae! You look like a real 'Flapper' from the 20's. And you also look so much like the actress Patricia Neal. Beautiful!

Ed and Mae Stephens' wedding day.

October 1oth, 1936 St. Ephrem's Church, Brooklyn, NY

And now, the Rothenhoefer/Christopher story...

Bernard Rothenhoefer -- 1886-1963

Ol' great-grandpa "Bernie" with li'l Irene. He was a cop in Frederick, MD. One tough hombre!

Daisie Mariah Gaugh Rothenhoefer 1872-1960

Great-grandma Daisie was very Bavarian. When she told me to do something and bit her lip and stamped her foot! Achtung! I jumped! Loved her dearly.

Mary Irene Rothenhoefer Christopher 1911-1996

My mother, your grandmother. She and my father moved to Arizona for health reasons when you were little. Wish you had known her better. She would have liked that, too.

Frederick Purcell Christopher 1907-1976

My dad, with me on his lap. A very gentle guy. Loved to socialize.

I never remember him raising his voice to me. Gentle, indeed.

Mary Patricia Stephens Christopher -- 1939

No introductions needed here! Your beloved mother with newborn Kelly Girl somewhere in that blanket bundle.

Pat's smile still melts me.

Frederick Warren Christopher -- 1930

aka. Chris, Jack, Adrian, Warren, Fred and 'hey you!'.

Kelly was always at her happiest when...'flying'. Little did we know at the time...God would bless us with two more little 'flyers'!

And here you are....St. Paddy's Day, 1977

The end result of all that wonderful DNA passed on to us and to you from previous living, loving generations.

Just wonderful and mysterious as our physical heritage makes us, we are so much more than just walking composites of deoxyribonucleic acid!

We share a God-given spirit life with our wonderful forebearers. We think abstract thoughts. We can imagine worlds beyond all physical boundaries. Best of all! We can love!

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